Letters From Santa

Help Raise Enough Money to Build a Well in Time For Christmas!
bring joy to a child and water to a village

Imagine waking up in the morning and not being able to take a shower or even brush your teeth. Running water is something most of us take for granted every day. Yet, there are still millions of people in this world who do without. Do your part to provide clean, running water to a village in need through the Letters From Santa project.

For just $5, you can have a letter sent to the child of your choice from Santa Claus! Delivered in time, with a picture postmark from Santa Claus, Indiana, to build excitement for the big day, this letter is sure to bring smiles and laughter to all. Just provide the name, address and gender of the child, along with $5, no later than November 30 and your letter will be prepared by our elves on December 3 and mailed the very next day.

Our teens seek to raise $205, enough money so that Food for the Poor will provide a water pump to a thirsty village in Latin America or the Caribbean.

Order now using the PayPal button below. Please remember to include the name and address of the child who will receive the letter. Also, let us know if the child is a boy or girl. Then, please pass the link to this page on to your friends and family through email, FaceBook and Twitter to keep the water flowing!

Thank you for giving water to the thirsty.
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me... Matthew 25:35

Questions? Email Kathy Christ.

Enter Name, Address, Gender